Have you ever seen a post on social media, probably facebook, twitter, or Instagram, talking about how that person was done caring so much? Some post about how if they cared less, they would get hurt less?
Well, those posts have caught my eye for a long time now. I have this app called Timehop that shows you everyday what you posted on that date in previous years. I’ve noticed a trend in my past self and realized that I was the one posting those things before. I was the one tweeting or sharing that I didn’t want to care any more, that if I cared less I wouldn’t hurt so much, that I should only give to those who give to me.
All of these posts can make total sense though, I can totally see where I was coming from and I can still see why all these people are posting it. If you don’t care about someone and that someone does something bad to you, chances are, it won’t hurt you or effect you because you don’t care about them. If you only give to those who give to you, you’re never in a one-sided relationship. By closing off your heart and only giving it to a select few people, you’re more likely to not have it broken.
In high school, I remember struggling so much with caring “too much.” I hated myself for caring about people who didn’t act like they cared about me. I hated that I gave so much of myself to people who, “didn’t deserve it.” I hated putting myself out there only to get my heart used and torn apart. I didn’t feel like I should be kind or loving to people who were cold and short with me, because “treat people the way you want to be treated,” right?
I see these posts on my Timehop everyday, I see my friends post them everyday, and it just hurts my heart so much. We choose to be rude, cold, or hurtful because we don’t want to be anymore broken and we don’t want to be hurt by the evil in the world. We choose to be a part of it so it doesn’t hurt so much instead of fighting against it.
As Christians, we can argue all we want about specific scripture and what the Bible says about gay marriage and abortion and whatever else. But one thing that is true and solid is that God is Love.
Imagine facing someone that hurt you and instead of yelling at them, telling them that you hope the best for them, that they have a good life, that they are loved. Maybe I’m completely wrong, but if I were that person, it’d make me think a little bit. Why is someone that I hurt being kind to me? What is it about them, what is it in their heart?
All I know is that I’m a much happier person trying to love people in the best way that I can. Yes, it’s still scary sometimes to put myself and my heart out there, but I sure would rather get hurt by trying than be alone and empty by not. Hurt and struggles and bad times are impossible to avoid, but we can choose to still love one another.
So next time you feel like it’d be better to not care anymore, remember that you are human on an Earth where pain is inevitable. Next time you feel like someone doesn’t deserve your time, just know that forgiveness is much lighter than carrying a burden of hate. Next time you get scared to put yourself out there, think about how amazing it could actually be.
Love yourself and Love people.